Support Us
Father Gene's Help Center runs completely off donations. We rely on your support to provide for those in need, whether you are able to support us through the gift of your time or by sharing your financial and in-kind resources. We are so appreciative of all who donate and enable us to continue providing resources to those in need within the Milwaukee community.

In-Kind Donations
Father Gene's Help Center accepts in-kind donations of new and gently used clothing and shoes for men, women, and children. Donations are accepted, Monday through Thursday, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Father Gene's Help Center at our back entrance, which can only be accessed from Greenfield Ave, between 59th and 60th Streets. For a map of how to get to the back entrance, click here. We appreciate if donations can be dropped off neatly folded in a bag or a box. For more information about our "Donating Do's and Don'ts," click here.
Monetary Donations
Financial contributions help maintain day-to-day operations and supplement in demand items. Thanks to your tax-deductible donation, we can continue to provide dignity through clothing to those in need. Donations can be made online at the link below or by sending a check made out to Father Gene's Help, Inc. to 5919 W. National Avenue West Allis, WI 53214.

Planned Giving
You can extend your generosity toward Milwaukee’s families and individuals in need by providing a lasting gift to Father Gene’s Help Center. To ensure that your passion and dedication to our community continues, we ask that you prayerfully consider leaving a bequest to Father Gene’s Help Center in your will.